

About us

We are building the future of intercity transportation.

The mission of WeGoCar is to revolutionize mobility in emerging countries through the promotion and development of carpooling.
We are convinced that shared travel is a viable and efficient solution to address the economic and environmental challenges faced by these countries.
Our goal is to transform the travel habits of the population sustainably by providing them with a less expensive and more environmentally friendly alternative.
By connecting travelers and drivers through a secure and user-friendly platform, we aspire to significantly reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation.
Through this initiative, we aim to actively contribute to a greener and more inclusive future, where every individual can travel economically while preserving the planet.

Our story:

The story of WeGoCar begins with an awakening. It all started on the eve of Eid al-Fitr in 2018. The streets were bustling, train stations were overflowing, and taxi stands were swarmed with people. Mehdi and Ismail, childhood friends, were on their way to their respective families. Like many others, they felt the stress of traveling during this festive period.

However, instead of complaining about the influx of travelers or the discomfort of the situation, they observed something striking. On the highway, countless cars were driving with empty seats. These vacant spots seemed to ironically contrast with the surge of people desperately seeking transportation at train stations or taxi stands.

Thus, an idea began to sprout. Why not connect these drivers with potential passengers, offering a win-win solution? Drivers could share travel expenses, and passengers could enjoy a more comfortable and often cheaper ride.

They decided to launch a Facebook group, simply titled “Covoiturage Maroc” (Carpooling Morocco). What started as a simple community platform quickly became a phenomenon. By early 2020, with various restrictions due to the COVID-19 crisis, the membership had multiplied sevenfold in just a few months. Mehdi and Ismail realized that their idea had immense potential.

The demand was evident. Driven by this wave of popularity and member enthusiasm, the two friends decided to bring their vision to life. Using their technology skills and their passion for ecology, they started developing a mobile application in their spare time. After over a year of hard work, adjustments, and testing, the WeGoCar app was born.

It turned out to be the answer to a deeply felt need among the population, a solution to transportation challenges in Morocco, especially during peak periods. Today, Mehdi and Ismail continue to work passionately on their project, keeping in mind that Eid al-Fitr day when it all began.

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